Product Roadmap info

We are building out the product line from an existing product base,
readying them as stand-alone offerings.

Here are some products in the pipeline for release

Word efficient in 30 pages


Sick and tired of end-less mouse-clicking to format, formats being localized and not global in your document? Would you like to know how Word actually works, and how to prevent and fix your formatting mess?
In today’s workplace an astounding number of people go type, click, type, fidget with the trackpad, type, fidget ...
This is repeated across hundreds of workers in your organisation, costing time you don’t have, and costing money, as you could be doing other things. Did you know it is possible to do all that with a single keystroke from the keyboard? This Word booklet will tell you how. Learn the structure and principles of Ms-Word and become a productive pro. Cut the frustration, the effort, and the stress when the deadline looms. Become very efficient using Word, in 30 pages, and never look back.

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

WORD efficient add-in


Word works through styles. For fast consistent formatting you need to be able to apply styles by keyboard. This add-in will add our nifty key board shortcuts to your word document, so you can apply styles without endless inefficient mouse/trackpad clicking/tapping. It will keep your document in docx format, i.e. no macros in your document for this(!), whereby it does not pose security issues, so you can share with others in- and out-side the organisation. We are even thinking of letting you automatically copy the styles from your perfectly prepared layout template to existing documents. Start a conversation on what you like to see.

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

Automated portfolio project and resource planning


This tool provides the magic to automatically create realistic portfolio and resource planning. How? By taking loss of productivity from multi-tasking into account, and by automatically serializing and parallelizing projects into a plan in the order of priority you set, using the staff and their capabilities you have, including ramp-up/down of staff, and taking overrun-variance into account. Play the what-ifs, see the realism of your program / portfolio plan. We may even turn it into an on-line tool. We would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

Quantitative Risk Management-Pro


Most people still use RAG for risk. But what does a Red-risk mean? How much money do you need if the Risk eventuates? How much time does it add to your plan? How does a Red risk compare to another Red Risk? Is it bigger is it smaller?
You won't know until you Quantify your risks. Let the workbook calculate your contingency cost and time reserve. Let the workbook add who changed what/when in the register. This workbook tracks when last you reviewed your risks, as non-reviewed risks indicates they are not managed and thereby are actually RED. If they are reviewed, they are “Green”; There is no “Amber”. There is only contingency reserve, probability, and impact when it happens!. This tool also lets you track Issues, Change, Assumptions …

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

quantitative risk management P15-P50-P85 monte-carlo smartmatix

QRM with probabilistic curve modelling


As a step-up to the QRM-Pro version, this tool for professionals and exec managers as it lets you model risk dependencies, to obtain the Monte Carlo P15, P50, P85, etc probability of required time cost contingency. Also tracks your historic risk progression. Now you give the exec something to work with …

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

quantitative risk management P15-P50-P85 monte-carlo smartmatix

Requirements Management Tool


This Excel tool lets you build a tree structure of requirements. It comes pre-populated with all the types of requirements you encounter in business, software, and software testing. Instead of drowning in attributes, this has the essential set of attributes to prioritise e.g. the risky ones upfront (fail fast), manage Must/Should/Would/Nice, Stability/volatility, and more. It will be available for a minimal one-off price.

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

quantitative risk management P15-P50-P85 monte-carlo smartmatix

Requirements Management Standard


Ever wondered what the requirements for good requirements are 🙂 ?
This standard has been developed over 30 years of practice in DoD-498, RUP, and ISO 12207 settings. It is more complete and better than ISO-IEEE 29148-2011. It is miles better and more complete than the IIBA. It will be available for a minimal price.

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

quantitative risk management P15-P50-P85 monte-carlo smartmatix

Earned Value Management for agile & traditional projects


Burn down graphs have lifted project managers from not doing EVM to doing part of it. Take the next step to full EVM for both Agile and Planned tracking with this tool. We also have a whitepaper on it, which will be released in due course.

Register your interest, let us know what you need.

Urgent need?


If you have an urgent need, contact us to discuss the time line, or commission us to solve your issue now through a service request.

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